North Penn Community Acupuncture is now Putnam Point Acupuncture. We specialize in pain management u
North Penn Community Acupuncture is now Putnam Point Acupuncture. We specialize in pain management using a combination of acupuncture and massage therapy. Acupuncture can be very useful in helping joint pain, back pain, headaches and migraines, menstrual pain, and the discomforts of everyday living. The acupuncturist also welcomes patients with digestive disorders such as IBS and GERD, as well as people recovering from injuries and surgeries. A treatment with BJ may include:
Electrical stimulation
Manual therapy
Somatic Functional Therapy
Chiropractic care is provided by Lifeline Family Chiropractic and is billed separately.
Keywords: acupuncture, massage, pain, chiropractic, pms